How would we make our Dua?
The uplifting news about the Duas that we make is that our prophet has as of now showed us the vast majority of the Duas identified with circumstances, for example, difficulty, tension, sadness, pardoning of sins, accomplishing more riches, wellbeing, prosperity for the family, and for accomplishing other general great in this life and the great beyond.
Things being what they are, the length of you are making every one of those Duas for yourself at any rate, why not make them in the specific words that the prophet did and furthermore trained us to do likewise?
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Dua to ALLAH
Assuming you read a portion of the Prophets Duas, give specific consideration to the convention that the prophet practiced when making a portion of the more Duas. You will see that those Duas include commending Allah, Duas looking for pardon for ones sins, recognizing His credits, and perceiving His control over the whole universe followed by introducing one’s requirements to Allah.
The language of the Duas as the prophet had shown us incorporates words that raise us to a state where we embrace lowliness, leave pride, all things considered, build up our faith in His Oneness, and recognize our reliance on Allah. In like manner, as those words humble you before your Creator and ingrain inside you the enabling feelings of appreciation and lowliness, you are then prepared to present your defense to Him. Knowing the conventions of making Dua, you realize that getting into that state has a superior shot at getting your Duas heard than simplifying level explanations in a rush.
Assuming you mindfully read the Duas that the prophet showed us, you will likewise find out with regards to issues that you presumably didn’t know would be advantageous or terrible to you.
In this way, set aside the effort to make these Duas as the prophet made them. All that is required to get your requests to Allah is for YOU to get looking into the issue and do it.