The Impact Of Information Technology On Islamic Behavior
Teachings of Islam are not limited to worship and piety. Rather, Islam is a religion that lays out rules regarding every aspect of life. It teaches how a person should handle personal, social, legal, economic, and virtually every matter in life. The Holy Quran is a complete code of life from which Muslims must seek guidance and learn about Islamic behavior to be performed in every walk of life.
Education and Islam are inseparable. Islam is the only religion that laid its foundation on the basis of social equality, bringing out people from the darkness of ignorance. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) encouraged people to gain education, both worldly and religious, and recite masnoon duain. He advocated that gaining knowledge is mandatory for both Muslim men and women.
Impact of IT on our lives: -
Information technology has penetrated not only the commercial world but our personal lives as well. We rely on information technology for everything, be it entertainment, banking, education and communication. From electronic vehicles to launching spacecraft on Mars, we have numerous marvels of information technology surfacing every now and then. The quest for making life more comfortable and easier makes a man innovate new ways of doing things.
Technology in Islamic perspective: -
The roots of such progressive technological innovations can be traced back to Islamic origins. Islamic scholars made undeniable contributions in mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering, and agriculture. Ibn Seena, al Beiruni, Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi and many other Islamic scholars made significant contributions in science and technology during the Golden Islamic Age. Hydraulic engineering, for instance, was a discovery of the medieval Islamic reign. Islamic encourages Muslims to explore the world to the fullest. Innovation in Islamic viewpoint is a fundamental method to use the abilities supplied by Allah to make new disclosures.
Similarly, technology plays a great role in imparting Islamic education as well. You can find Islamic information online very easily with just a click. You can also find ample Islamic information about Quran and its teachings online. However, it is important to verify the source as you would not want to be misled by unauthentic Islamic info.
Islam and technology go hand in hand as long as the person does not deviate from the reality that it is Allah alone who has the Supreme power to create the world and everything within it. The impact of information technology shall be positive as long as it makes life comfortable without interfering in nature’s works.